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A member registered May 18, 2017

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You evoked all of that in DSGR when I got one of the ending for Polar I wanted to see if I could get another ending relating to him, but the first ending I found is what I like to call the “Best Friends Forever” ending and it was so heartwarming to see all of the main protagonist’s friends there. Then I finally got the ending I needed for closure because I was destroyed emotionally too, but now I’m so happy I got exactly the ending that I needed and I can rest easy now. I like to call that ending “Until We Meet Again”. Sorry for making all these names but I can’t help it XD. And thank you again for making this awesome visual novel. Keep up the excellent work. 👍

This is one of the most beautiful visual novels that I have ever played. I love the story and I’m really attached to Polar and I was sad after I found out about him, but I finally got an ending that left me with high spirits. It took me forever but I did it with hardwork, hope, dedication, and time XD. Thanks for making this beautiful visual novel.